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Internet Acceptable Use Policy


The purpose of making Internet access available in the Commerce Public Library is to enhance the library's current collection and to include access to resources from around the state, nation and the world.


Users must have a current Commerce Public Library Card.  This card must be free of overdue, items, fines, etc. and must be presented each time you access the Internet.

Guests wishing to access the Internet are required to read the internet Access Policy and fill out a guest card which can be used up to three (3) times.  Guests who access the Internet more than three times will be required to fill out a library card application.

All users are required to sign in and out at the circulation desk when using the Internet computers.

Users must read, sign, and abide by the following Internet Acceptable Use Agreement.

  • Children age 11 and under: Require parental permission and approved adult supervision while using the Internet.
  • Children age 12 through 16: Require a signed parental permission agreement to use the Internet.
  • Individuals age 17 and older are required to sign the Acceptable Use Agreement.
  • When others are waiting to use the Internet workstation, access time will be limited to sixty (60) minutes from the time of sign-in.
  • Users must access the Internet in an acceptable manner.
  • When finished, users should close the Internet browser (Internet Explorer, Netscape, or Neoplanet) but MUST NOT TURN OFF THE COMPUTER.
  • Users may reserve the Internet computer up to seven days in advance.
  • Internet Computers will be turned off fifteen (15) minutes before closing.

Users are allowed to use floppy diskettes on the Internet terminals which should be scanned for viruses prior to accessing.  Users may save to new diskettes purchased at circulation desk for 50 cents. Users may not save to the hard drive.

The library does not provide electronic mail (e-mail) or newsgroup accounts.

The Internet offers access to a wealth of material that is personally, professionally and culturally enriching to people of all ages.  It also enables access to some material that may be disturbing, offensive, and\or illegal.  Commerce Public Library has no control over information that can be accessed through the Internet and is not responsible for inadvertent exposure by minors or adults to potentially offensive material accessed by Internet users on Library equipment.  The Library does not use filtering software and Library patrons are responsible for the information accessed by their children.  Only parents may restrict Internet resources chosen by their children beyond the restrictions set for all library patrons.  Library staff members are not responsible for controlling children's use of the Internet.  Parents are strongly advised to provide guidance and supervise their children's use of the Internet. Information on Child Safety on the Internet is available from the National Center for Missing and Exploited Children.  Please ask the Library Staff for a copy.

The Internet computers are in a public area and privacy is not guaranteed.  Only two (2) people will be allowed at an Internet workstation at a time.


Users must perform their own searches.  Library staff will offer a brief tutorial but can not provide in-depth personal training in the use of the Internet or personal computers.  Introductory computer workshops are held periodically; ask the Library Staff for more information.

Staff assistance is limited on weekends.

Library staff is not able to perform reference searches on the Internet at the request of telephone customers.


If a staff member determines misuse of the Internet, user will forfeit All Internet computer privileges.

Misuse will include the following: 

  • Damaging, tampering with or destroying equipment, software or data belonging to the library, including adding, altering or deleting files on library workstation hard drives or other library equipment.
  • Violating computer system integrity, including attempts to bypass security functions, obtain passwords, or alter the configuration of library workstations in any way.
  • Changing any computer settings, including but not limited to: Desktop, System Tray, Toolbars, Start Page, Screensavers, Wallpaper, etc.
  • Installing or downloading any software.
  • Using the Internet for any illegal activity.
  • Using the Internet to harass other.
  • Sending, receiving, or displaying text or graphics which may be reasonably construed as obscene or pornographic.
  • Violating copyright or software licensing agreements.
  • Using the Internet to defraud or obtain money or other valuables by false representation.
  • Using the Internet for commercial purposes.

Violation of these guidelines will result in immediate revocation of all computer privileges and may lead to criminal charges.


Paper is available at the circulation desk for a charge of 10 cents per page.